Gar Muse
Atlanta, GA
Cooper Carry’s retail designers realize people linger longer and shop longer when they are wrapped in an inviting, visually appealing environment. The experience begins the moment they arrive. The design team focused attention on the parking deck vestibules, brightening them up and making the area more visually inviting. Once inside the mall, much of the brass fixtures and surfaces will be replaced with stainless steel finishes, appealing to the more modern shopper. Lighting is paramount to the shopping experience, and our designers took it to the next level with modern fixtures and re-direction of the light sources to greatly enhance the shoppers’ experience. Custom light sculptures and LED light cylinders will replace the existing torcheres, complemented by LED recessed pin lights and LED can lights throughout.
Phipps Plaza, an 821,000 GLA upscale retail center designed in the late 80’s, offers a blend of elegance and innovation. The architecture was a rich combination of classical details, intimate promenades, comfortable circulation and grand courts. It blended the old south with the new, progressive Atlanta. Prominently situated at the Southeast’s most profitable retailing intersection, Phipps will continue to offer the ultimate potential for the upscale retail merchant with this new design.
project scope
812,000 GLA, Mall Common Area & Parking Deck Vestibules Renovation
design services
Simon Property Group